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Weighbridge junction box connection method and interpretation of installation and commissioning

The weighing junction box is a device commonly used to connect weighing load cells and indicating instruments, data acquisition instruments and other equipment. It usually contains multiple terminals, which can convert, amplify, and filter the output signal of the load cell, and output the processed signal to devices such as indicating instruments or data acquisition instruments […]

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Introduce the connection of load cell and junction box

The weighing junction box is a device commonly used to connect load cells and indicating instruments, data acquisition instruments and other equipment. It usually contains multiple terminals, which can convert, amplify, and filter the output signal of the load cell, and output the processed signal to devices such as indicating instruments or data acquisition instruments […]

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Talking about Load Cell and Junction Box

How to use and pay attention to the weighing junction box: 1: The connection between the load cell and the junction box Pass the cable of the load cell through the weighing platform, and enter the Ningbo Goodshineintelligent junction box through the sealed joint, according to the different color codes of the four-core or six-core […]

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What should be paid attention to when installing and using wireless electronic crane scales?

Hanging scales, hanging scales, also known as hanging scales, hanging scales, hanging scales, hook scales, etc., are weighing instruments that measure the mass (weight) of objects in a suspended state. Implement the latest industry standard GB/T 11883-2002, which belongs to OIML Ⅲ scale. Crane scales are generally used in steel, metallurgy, factories and mines, cargo […]

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High temperature weighing load cell with cylindrical spiral spring inductance coil

Abstract: This article proposes a design scheme for a cylindrical spiral spring inductive coil high-temperature weighing load cell. The high-temperature weighing load cell consists of a cylindrical spiral spring inductance coil, a weighing signal transmission line, and a measurement and adjustment circuit. The cylindrical spiral spring inductance coil is not only the elastic base for […]

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Accurate Measurement of Aircraft Wheel Track Based on the Principle of Digital Intelligent Aircraft Weighing System

Abstract: This article introduces and analyzes the principles of the digital intelligent aircraft weighing system and torque balance, and proposes a method for accurately measuring the aircraft wheel track (i.e. the actual force application point position of the aircraft on the weighing platform) using the digital intelligent aircraft weighing system and torque balance principle. It […]

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Analysis of the lateral load resistance ability of cantilever shear beam type load cells

Abstract:The cantilever shear beam type load cell has become an important basic component of electronic scales due to its simple and compact structure, small height, low center of gravity, no end effect, strong lateral load resistance, and convenient installation and debugging. This paper introduces the mechanical characteristics of square section and circular section cantilever shear I-beam […]

Company News, Products News

The role and development trend of the manufacturing process for weighing Load Cell

Abstract: From the perspectives of research and development of strain gauge weighing load cells, strengthening enterprise competitiveness, and participating in international market competition, the position and role of manufacturing technology are recognized. It is concluded that strain gauge weighing sensors are based on and rely on manufacturing processes for development. Currently, the competition for strain […]

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The Principle Of The Load Cell Junction Box And How To Use It

接线盒的选用及接线方法: 1:接线盒使用概述,由于称重传感器出厂时的一致性不一定理想,加上现场使用中的环境因素和安装方式的局限性,会带来多个称重传感器并联组秤的不平衡问题。为解决上述问题,必须选择接线盒,将称重传感器系数与称重传感器输出阻抗之比(mV/V/Ω)调整至接近相同,以保证平衡整个秤体。 调整机械工作台的水平。对于四个以上的称重传感器,由于各种原因,机械工作台和基础或多或少都会发生变形。使用时间越长,变形越严重,导致称重传感器受力不一致,仅靠电位器补偿是无法补偿的,所以应先调整称重传感器的高度,在差值范围内(20-40)kg,再用电位器补偿,直至基本一致。这是一个反复的过程,由于机械台面变形,调整一个角可能会影响两个角,甚至三个角,只能试错。   2:接线盒型号及命名,接线盒一般可分为:BJ-4/6/8等系列。JB-4:四线五孔接线盒,适用于电子秤或4个称重传感器组合使用的系统;JB-6:六线七孔接线盒,适用于电子秤或6个称重传感器组合使用的系统;JB-8:八线九孔接线盒,适用于电子秤或8个称重传感器组合的系统;对于电子秤或称重传感器超过10个的系统,可通过多个接线盒组合实现连接。 例如:BJ-4-SS、BJ-6-SS、BJ-8-SS将宁波金盛接线盒特点:BJ-4-SS用于并联四个负载,VKK2-6用于六个负载cells并联,集成四角调节电阻网络,宁​​波金信独特的屏蔽方式完成EMC保护(根据EN45501),可扩展至6个以上传感器(仅适用于BJ-4-SS),防护等级IP65(根据EN60529),不锈钢外壳。 3:接线盒技术概述: 3.1:不锈钢或铝合金外壳,特殊密封接头,经久耐用,密封性好。 3.2:采用高精度、低漂移的电阻和电位器,保证系统的精度和稳定性。 3.3:称重传感器连接和信号电缆连接均配有专用接线端子,确保连接可靠。 3.4:每个接线柱旁预留焊线焊接孔,既可焊接也可插线,可独立选择。 3.5:接线焊点旁有编码标识,方便用户接线。 4:接线盒安装调试 4.1: Junction box installation, fix the Ningbo Goldshine junction box at a suitable position on the scale body. Open the top cover of the junction box. Pass the load cell cable and instrument signal cable through the corresponding interface of the junction box, […]

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